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Advertise with AAAA

The world’s largest collection of Certified Anesthesiologist Assistants is waiting to hear from you.

Advertise with AAAA to reach thousands of CAAs around the country.

Put your message in front of the right audience, on the optimal channel, at the perfect time.

The Anesthesia Record


Thousands of CCAs read our signature, bi-monthly newsletter. And you can get prime placement.

Your message appears alongside the legislative news, organizational updates, and industry insights our members crave. Diverse ad sizes provide perfect opportunities for a variety of messages and budgets.

AAAA Annual Conference

Want to move your message to an in-person setting? Become an exhibitor at our annual conference and meet attendees in person at your booth. Add onto your presence, or keep your marketing in print, within our full-color agenda given to each attendee.


Email Marketing

Reach more than 2,000 CAAs with a unique email of your making. Want more nuanced targeting? We’ll work together to create a custom audience to put your message in front of the right people.

AAAA Website

Drive traffic to your website with placement on ours. Reach thousands of members each month as they access resources they need all around the AAAA website.


Ready to reach your marketing goals?

© 2024. All rights reserved.

7780 Elmwood Ave, Ste 130 | Middleton, WI 53562

Phone: 678.222.4233 | Fax: 608.492.0523


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